
Effortless File Sharing withunmatchedprivacy

With our client side encryption and temporary file storage, you can rest assured that your data will never be viewed by anyone but your intended recipients

or drag and drop

Any file up to 1GB

Why Ponydrop

Data Privacy Should be Non-Negotiable

Ponydrop exists to make sure that your privacy still exists online. You can feel safe knowing that we will do whatever it takes to make sure your data stays yours.


End to End Encryption

With Client side encryption your data is never seen by Ponydrop in an unencrypted state and can only be decrypted by those who you choose

Temporary Storage

We only keep your files on our server for 2 hours. After which it is permanently deleted. We will never hang on to your data.

No selling your data

We believe selling your users data is unethical. We will never use your data for our profit

Built for Trust

Built by data privacy fanatics, you can trust Ponydrop to keep you and your files as safe as possible


Common Questions